Thursday, September 8, 2016

How to override the charge of account at requisition to enter it manually

Approve is able to change the charge account however it does not get saved even after clicking save or submit button for Requisition Approval.

Customer is using default charge account rule but only natural account segment they have used the mapping set.

Answer - 

Based on your current set-up, the behavior of the system is

1) Derive a complete charge account (either automatically or from what user has entered depending on the configuration of your charge account rule)
2) Override the Natural Segment of the account derived from step 1.

This means - the Natural Account segment of the charge account entered by the Approver will be overwritten. To prevent this, you need to add the following condition to your mapping set rule (i.e. the segment overlay rule) - "Requisition Charge Account"."Natural Account Segment" Is not.

How it works - 
The above condition is saying - only trigger the rule inside the segment overlay rule(i.e. the mapping set) if there is no manually entered value for the Natural Account Segment. This means if user has manually entered a charge account, the rule will not be triggered and user's entry will not be overwritten.

When a user manually enters a charge account, the source for such manual entry is known as 'Requisition Charge Account'

Case 2 
Hi Team,
Currently customer implementing the production environment and there was a requirement from client to edit "requisition charge account" manually.

I found the solution in below note

(Segment Combination Cannot Be Saved On Purchasing Requisition Line Distribution (Doc ID 2077390.1))

Before you can apply the solution you are referring to, your setup needs to be the same as the setup for that solution. For that solution, the client had a segment overlay rule. When you have a segment overlay rule, then after TAB derives a complete charge account, it will trigger the segment overlay rule which will then replace a specific segment (Natural Account in this specific instance) in the just derived charge account combination. The client did not want this overlay to happen when a user has manually entered a charge account.

Normally, the solution to the problem would be to add a rule (see steps below) with a condition "Requisition Charge Account".<<SEGMENT_NAME>> Is not null as a first rule but due to a bug, the workaround was to use the condition "Requisition Charge Account"."All" Is not null.

Steps to adding a rule
a) Edit your custom charge account rule (Manage Account Rule > Purchasing > [YOUR_CHARGE_ACCOUNT_RULE]
b) The charge account rule consists of multiple rules (you will see these when you open it up for edit). Add a rule (first rule) with Source = Requisition Charge Account and condition = "Requisition Charge Account"."All" Is not null

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