Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Contract Fulfillment lines not visible in Requisitions - http://myforums.oracle.com/jive3/thread.jspa?threadID=2117210&tstart=0

Requirement -

BPA created via Contract Fulfillment is not visible in Requisitions Catalog search.
Customer is expecting that in Catalog search, Agreement line should be available to create a Requisition same as BPA created from Sourcing are available in Purchase Requisition Catalog.

Steps -

1. Create a Contract of class Agreement, add line details and then create fulfillment lines.
2. Approve the Contract.
3. Create Agreement from contract fulfillment lines.
4. Run the Import Blanket Agreement ESS job in Purchasing workarea.
5. Note that Agreement is created in Fusion Purchasing.
6. Navigate to Purchase Requisitions to create a Catalog Requisition
7. Note that the Agreement created is not visible in the Catalog search.

From Chapter 5, Utilizing Contract Fulfillment from Rel 11 documentation :


Types of Purchasing Activities That a Contract Fulfillment Can Initiate

You can initiate purchase orders or purchase agreements from fulfillment lines, depending on the purpose of the contract.

1. The contract is used for immediate purchases and has at least one contract line item defined.
You can create purchase orders from the fulfillment lines of such contracts. The contract type class for such contracts must be Enterprise Contract.

2. The contract is used for future purchases and has at least one contract line item defined.
You can create blanket purchase agreements from the fulfillment lines of such contracts.

3. The contract is used for future purchases and doesn't have contract line items defined.
You can create contract purchase agreements from the fulfillment lines of such contracts.

Solutions -

I need to understand some details of the issue. SSP does not integrate with contract fulfillment. But you are saying that from the Contract a BPA was created in Oracle Purchasing.
If there is a blanket purchase agreement (BPA) created in Oracle Purchasing, and

  • the status of the agreement and lines is Open, and
  • agreement and lines are not expired, and
  • the start date (agreement and lines) is less or equal today's date, and
  • the BPA is enabled in the current requisitioning BU, and
  • the BPA is accessible to the user via content zone
then the BPA lines should show in search results.

Could you please confirm that the above is true. Could you also tell me the Oracle Purchasing style used to create the agreement. We don't show Configured to Order and Consignment BPAs in shopping.

If all the above is right as I listed. Could you please do one more test for me:
Create a change order for this BPA, make any simple change, submit it and get it open again. Check if this time the BPA shows in our shopping page.

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